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vendredi 20 février 2009

Séance 3 et 4- Article en Anglais -Melissa - 1COM

Réalisé en classe, en cours d'Anglais (Février 2009).

We study business in A-level, first year at Louis Blériot College in Etampes, South of Paris.
We’ve been involved in a project that led us to work along with the IRCAM which is the Institute of Research and Creation of Musical Art. Our aim was to create a musical peace of art induced by a work of art shown at the art centre Georges Pompidou in Paris.

This contemporary peace of art by Jean Dubuffet is entitled “Jardin d’Hiver” and was created in 1969. It looks like a cave painted white with black lines that follow the bumps of the uneven surface. We learnt that Jean Dubuffet had a heuristic approach in this creation.

First, it was disturbing, we didn’t feel at ease. Then, we started feeling more secured and appeased as we felt like children in a womb.

After having collected all the different impressions we felt about this piece of art, we started creating and recording different sounds we could use for the creation of our contemporary music. We actually recorded samples of mobile phone vibrator, dripping water, tapping or the sounds made by an exercise machine or even the noise made by a creased rpaper.

Once all these sounds were entered on a special music application program at the IRCAM, we started transforming theses sounds. We extended some, shortened others. We really loved that day, because we were very autonomous and free to do what we wanted.

Still, we had to oppose some feelings like brightness and darkness, what sounds natural to what sounds synthetic, or pure to blur.

This project has been a really good experience because we’ve learnt a lot of things about contemporary music. We also discovered a piece of art as well as the museum Georges Pompidou.